Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the Good News of the gospel to all nations through a faithful community passionate about generosity. The Bible shows us that Jesus gave all He had to reach the lost—and that there is no greater love than this. We want all nations and all people to be reached with the gospel so that the Kingdom of God is built all around the world. This year, as we take ground for the Kingdom, our goal is to raise $200,000 for Kingdom Builders, so that His name is known among the nations.
Kingdom Builders invests in missionaries, ministries and organizations across the world who are doing strategic work with those who need it most. They are reaching the lost, serving the poor, changing the world and building the Kingdom of God. As Kingdom Builders, we believe that we are blessed to be a blessing and we give so that ALL may hear!
Through Kingdom Builders, we support key missions projects such as providing vehicles and humanitarian aid, church planting, resources and pastoral development. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel.
Kingdom Builders is committed to funding the growth of the church locally through outreach, supporting local ministries and ministering to the hurting in our own backyards. We are not trying to build our own kingdom we want to build God’s Kingdom.
Kingdom Builders believes in coming alongside our future Christian leaders to foster a love for the Bible, God and the lost. Our Kingdom Builders. We believe in the next generation and what God wants to do in them and through them.
Missionaries and Organizations
We Support
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
Pastor Julian and Maritza Herrera
Publea Mexico
Pastor Genci
Bathore Assembly of God Albania
Speed the Light
Christopher and Katherine
Sensitive Area
Sensitive Area
ELAM Ministries
Kurt & Stephanie Plagenhoef
Albania - Balkan Reach
Sensitive Area
Jason and Brittany
Sensitive Area
Jacob’s Hope
Jewish Compassion Ministry
Dr. Ron & Esther Marcotte
Timothy’s Abode Ecuador
Jack and Dawn
Sensitive Area
Michael & Noomi Lawrence
Sam & Shellie Bowdoin
Asia Pacific Bible School
Ed and Cecilia Dalbello
Jay & Nancy Dickerson
Costa Rica
Domonique Merchant
World Challenge
Central Asia
Thom and Becky Davis
Ecuador Unsion Television
Michael and Leah Baty